Shapes And More

Teacher’s Guide: Shapes and More

Lesson Objectives.

Target language.


Talkmor Suggestions: 

Introduce and extend the target language.

Level: Beginner

Introduction / Warmup: Shapes and More

Simple discussion questions.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Teacher-student activity OR pair work if your students have the ability. 

Duration: 5-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.

Level: Beginner

Word Library: Shapes and More

Vocabulary list and useful sentences.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Vocabulary that students should know/remember. 

Useful everyday phrases that students can remember to understand native English speakers.

Level: Beginner

True/False & Fix The Spelling: Shapes and More

1. True or False discussion. Fun activity.

2. Students put the letters in the correct order.

The teacher’s key is included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Teacher-student activity.

The teacher reads the sentences; students decide whether they are True or False.

Fix the spelling – Student activity.

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner

What Am I: Shapes and More

Individual task.

The teacher’s key is included. 

Talkmor Suggestions:

Student activity. 

Students read a sentence with some clues and decide what shape is being described.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Beginner


How Many…?

Individual task.

The teacher’s key is included. 

Talkmor Suggestions:

Student activity. 

Students look at a picture of a house and answer the “How Many…” questions. 

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Beginner

Homework: Shapes and More

A homework task that can be given to students before your class or at the end of the class for the next week.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Ideally, students should arrive with the homework already done, but it can also be for the next class.

Level: Beginner

Describe It: Shapes and More

Similar to Fill the Gaps.

Students have a list of household items and they choose a shape to match the item.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Student activity.

Students complete the list and add one more item that is the same shape.

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner

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