Teacher’s Guide: What’s for Breakfast
Lesson Objectives.
Target language.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Introduce and extend language for this topic.
Level: Basic – Beginner
Warmup / Introduction: What’s for Breakfast
Simple questions.
Elicit and model answers.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Teacher-student activity.
Duration: 10-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.
Level: Basic – Beginner
Word Library: What’s for Breakfast
Vocabulary list and useful sentences.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Vocabulary that students should know/remember.
Useful everyday phrases that students can remember to understand native English speakers.
Level: Basis – Beginner
Fill The Gaps: What’s for Breakfast
Student Activity.
Teacher’s Key included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Individual task. Fill the gaps.
Duration: 10 minutes depending on student ability.
Level: Basic – Beginner
News: What’s for Breakfast
Students write some simple sentences about the lesson topic in a box.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity.
This activity can be extended into an easy conversation between two students OR the teacher can ask random students to read what they wrote.
Duration: 10-15 minutes, depending on your students’ abilities and how much you want to extend the activity.
Level: Basic – Beginner
Interview: What’s for Breakfast
Simple interview (discussion) questions.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity.
If your classroom environment allows it; students can move around the classroom and interviews various classmates.
Duration: 10+ minutes.
Level: Basic – Beginner
Missing Letters & Odd One Out: What’s for Breakfast
Students fill in the missing letters.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity. It can also be a class competition.
Students see who can complete the list first.
Duration: 5-10 minutes.
Level: Basic – Beginner
Odd One Out
Students underline the word that doesn’t belong with the rest.
The teacher’s key is included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity.
Each line has four words.
Underline the word that doesn’t belong with the rest.
Level: Basic – Beginner