In On At

Teacher’s Guide: In On At 

Lesson Objectives.

Target language.


Talkmor Suggestions: 

Introduce and extend language for this topic.

Level: Basic – Beginner 

Warmup / Introduction: In On At

Simple questions.

Elicit and model answers.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Teacher-student activity.

Duration: 10-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.

Level: Basic – Beginner

Practice [Easier]: In On At

Students practice the target language.

Teacher’s Key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual task.

Students complete the worksheet on their own. 

Teacher circulates and assists/corrects errors.  

Duration: 10+ minutes. 

Level: Basic – Beginner

Practice: In On At

Students practice the target language.

Teacher’s Key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual task.

Students complete the worksheet on their own. 

Teacher circulates and assists/corrects errors.  

Duration: 10+ minutes. 

Level: Basic – Beginner


Error Correction: In On At

Students read a sentence, identify the error, and rewrite and correct the sentence.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Students underline the error and correct the sentence.

Duration: 10 – 15 minutes

Level: Basic – Beginner

More Practice: In On At

Students practice the target language.

Teacher’s Key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual task.

Students complete the worksheet on their own. 

Teacher circulates and assists/corrects errors.  

Duration: 10+ minutes. 

Level: Basic – Beginner


Error Correction: In On At

Students read a sentence, identify the error, and rewrite and correct the sentence.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Students underline the error and correct the sentence.

Duration: 10 – 15 minutes

Level: Basic – Beginner

Fill The Gaps: In On At

Student Activity.

The teacher’s Key is included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Find the correct words and fill in the gaps.

Reading and pronunciation practice. 

Duration: 10 minutes depending on student ability.

Level: Basic – Beginner


Ask and Answer: In On At

Asking and answering questions.

Talkmor Suggestions:

Student activity. 

Pair work.

Duration: 15+ minutes.

Level: Basic – Beginner

Choose a Block: In On At

Where do I belong?

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual activity.  

Students choose words from a word bank and add them to the correct block.

Duration: 5-15 minutes.

Level: Basic – Beginner 

Choose a Block: In On At – Time

Look at the vocabulary and decide which words can be added to which block.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual activity.  

Students choose words from a word bank and add them to the appropriate block.

Duration: 5-15 minutes.

Level: Basic – Beginner

Choose a Block: In On At – Place

Look at the vocabulary and decide which words can be added to which block.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual activity.  

Students choose words from a word bank and add them to the appropriate block.

Duration: 5-15 minutes.

Level: Basic – Beginner

Flash Cards: In On At

In On At practice. 

Review propositions of location and time.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Each student gets a set of cards / paper cutouts.

The teacher reads location and time phrases to the students and they hold up the correct preposition card.

Duration: 10-20 minutes. 

Level: Beginner

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