
Warmup: Clothing

Simple discussion questions.

Teacher-student activity OR pair work if your students have the ability. 

Duration: 5-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.

Level: Beginner



Quiz / vocabulary questions.

Teacher-student activity OR pair work.

Word Library: Clothing

Vocabulary list and useful phrases.

Vocabulary that students should remember at this level. 

Useful everyday phrases that students can remember to understand native English speakers.

Level: Beginner

Match the Word With the Pictures 1: Clothing

Draw a line from the word to the matching picture.

Quiz included with answers where necessary. 

An excellent activity for the expansion of vocabulary, a bit of creative thinking, and an easy/fun quiz.

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner

Comparative & Superlative Adjectives: Clothing

Student Activity. Fill in the gaps with the correct comparative or superlative adjective.

Teacher’s key included.

Duration: 5-15 minutes, depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Beginner


This That These Those

Student Activity.

The Teacher’s Key is included.


Many & Much

Fill in the blanks with many or much

Students read the sentences and decide if they are countable or uncountable.

Duration: 5+ minutes.

Underline The Correct Word: Clothing

Students choose the correct word and underline it. 

Student activity OR a teacher-student activity in a small class.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Level: Beginner


Countable & Uncountable

Student Activity.

Individual task. Decide if the nouns are countable or uncountable.

Duration: 5-10 minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Beginner

Choose a Column 1: Clothing

Where do I belong?

Students choose words from a word bank and add them to the correct column.

Duration: 5-8 minutes.

Level: Beginner

Prepositions Of Place: Clothing

Students fill the gaps with  IN, ON, AT, TO, or FROM
Teacher’s Key included.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary 



Student Activity. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns.

Teacher’s Key included.

Duration: 5+ minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Fill The Gaps: Clothing

Student Activity. Find the correct words and fill in the gaps.

The teacher’s Key is included.

Duration: 10 minutes depending on student ability.

Level: Beginner 

Crossword: Clothing

Students look at some clues and complete the crossword.

Teacher’s Key included.

Duration: 10+ minutes, depending on the ability of your class.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Get In Line: Clothing

Put the letters in the correct order. Students unscramble the words and then make a sentence with the words. 

The teacher’s key is included.

Duration: 5-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary 


Choose a Column 2

Where do I belong?  

Students choose words from a word bank and add them to the correct column.

Duration: 5-8 minutes.

Choose a Block: Clothing

Look at the vocabulary and decide which words can be added to which block.

Students choose words from a word bank and add them to the correct block.

Duration: 5-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

News: Clothing

Students write some simple sentences about the lesson topic in a box.

Duration: 10-15 minutes, depending on your students’ abilities and how much you want to extend the activity.

Level: Beginner

Ask & Answer: Clothing

Asking and answering questions.

Pair work.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Beginner


Adverbs of Frequency

  1. Individual activity. Students create a sentence using the adverb.

Duration: 10 minutes.

Can You Name 3: Clothing

Fun and creative thinking. Fun activity!

Teacher-student activity OR pair work. 

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner – Pre-intermediate


Like & Dislike

Asking and answering questions. Pair work.

Duration: 10+ minutes.

Describe It: Clothing

Students write short sentences with some descriptions as best as they can.

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Picture Quiz: Clothing

A picture with quiz questions. 

Teacher-student activity OR a student activity. 

Duration: 10 minutes

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Match the Word With the Pictures 2: Laundry – Clothing

Draw a line from the word to the matching picture.

Quiz included with answers where necessary. 

An excellent activity for the expansion of vocabulary, a bit of creative thinking, and an easy/fun quiz.

Duration: 10-15 minutes.

Level: Beginner

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