Spot The Differences
Teacher’s Key
Talkmor Suggestion:
Small class – A teacher-student activity
Bigger class – A Student A-Student B activity.
Students sit in pairs, facing each other. Give both handouts to both students. Student A needs to find one difference and tells that to Student B, i.e. In picture A, there’s a cat on the table. In Picture B, there’s no cat on the table. Student B does the same. Each student describes one difference at a time until all 10 differences have been found. Duration 5-10 minutes.
This activity can be extended by focussing on prepositions of place and the other vocabulary in the picture.
Word Library: Black Friday
Vocabulary list and useful phrases.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Vocabulary that students should remember at this level.
Useful everyday phrases that students can remember to understand native English speakers.
Level: Beginner – Advanced
Missing Letters: Black Friday
Students fill in the missing letters.
The teacher’s key is included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity. It can also be a class competition.
Students see who can complete the list first.
Duration: 10-15 minutes.
Level: Basic – Pre-intermediate
Singular & Plural: Black Friday
Students choose the correct words to form a correct sentence.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity OR a teacher-student activity in a small class.
Students read a sentence and choose the correct words to form a sentence.
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Level: Basic – Elementary
Fill The Gaps: Black Friday
Student Activity.
The teacher’s Key is included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Find the correct words and fill in the gaps.
Reading and pronunciation practice.
Duration: 10-15 minutes depending on student ability.
Level: Beginner – Intermediate
Nouns: Black Friday
Individual activity.
Identify the nouns.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity.
A student challenge to find and underline the noun in each sentence.
Duration: 5 – 10 minutes.
Level: Basic – Elementary
Can You Name 3: Black Friday
Fun and creative thinking.
Fun activity.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Teacher-student activity OR pair work.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Level: Beginner – Intermediate
Get In Line: Black Friday
Put the letters in the correct order.
Students unscramble the words and then make a sentence with the words.
The teacher’s key is included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity.
Duration: 5-15 minutes.
Level: Beginner – Intermediate