Teacher’s Guide: Airports & Air Travel
Lesson Objectives. Target language. Vocabulary.
Introduce and extend language for traveling by plane.
Level: Beginner
Warmup: Airports & Air Travel
Simple discussion questions.
Teacher-student activity OR pair work if your students have the ability.
Duration: 10-20 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.
Level: Beginner – Pre-intermediate
Word Library: Airports & Air Travel
Vocabulary list and useful sentences.
Vocabulary that students should know/remember.
Useful everyday phrases that students can remember to understand native English speakers.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Fill The Gaps
Student Activity.
The teacher’s Key is included.
Find the correct words and fill in the gaps.
Fill The Gaps: Airports & Air Travel
Student Activity.
The teacher’s Key is included.
Find the correct words and fill in the gaps.
Duration: 10 minutes depending on student ability.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Student Activity.
Teacher’s Key included.
Individual task. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns.
Comparative & Superlative Adjectives: Airports & Air Travel
Student Activity.
Teacher’s key included.
Fill in the gaps with the correct comparative or superlative adjective.
Duration: 5-15 minutes, depending on the students’ ability.
Level: Beginner – Pre-intermediate
A, AN, SOME, ANY or The
Fill in the blanks with a, an, some, any, or the.
Students read the sentences and decide if it should be a, an, some, any, or the.
True/False & Fix The Spelling: Airports & Air Travel
1. True or False discussion. Fun activity.
2. Students put the letters in the correct order.
The teacher’s key is included.
Duration: 10-15 minutes.
Level: Beginner – Pre-intermediate
“Wh” Question Words: Airports & Air Travel
Fill the gaps.
Students fill the gaps with the Wh question words.
Duration: 10+ minutes.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Word Combinations
Create phrases or compound words.
Teacher’s Key included.
Students match the words to form phrases or compound words.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Level: Beginner – Pre-intermediate
Write a Sentence: Airports & Air Travel
- Write a sentence by using the words in brackets.
- Circle the error in the sentence. (Teacher’s key incl.)
Individual activity
Practice grammar and write a short sentence.
Duration: 10 minutes
Level: Beginner
Underline The Correct Word: Airports & Air Travel
Students choose the correct word and underline it.
Student activity OR a teacher-student activity in a small class.
A general knowledge and vocabulary test.
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Mixed Sentences
Students put the words in the correct order.
The teacher’s key is included.
Duration: 10+ minutes.
Collocations: Airports & Air Travel
Individual challenge.
The teacher’s key is included.
Students can use a dictionary or thesaurus to find collocations for the given vocabulary.
Duration: 10 minutes
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Will & Won’t
Fun predictions
Teacher-student activity OR pair work.
Ask & Answer
Simple interview (discussion) questions.
Student activity.
Choose a Column: Airports & Air Travel
Where do I belong?
Students choose words from a word bank and add them to the correct column.
Duration: 5-8 minutes.
Level: Beginner – Pre-intermediate
Prepositions Of Place
Students fill the gaps with IN, ON, AT, TO, or FROM
Teacher’s Key included.
Duration: 10 minutes.
Level: Beginner -Pre-intermediate
Crossword: Airports & Air Travel
Students look at some clues and complete the crossword.
Teacher’s Key included.
Duration: 10+ minutes, depending on the ability of your class.
Level: Beginner