
Teacher’s Guide: Adjectives

Lesson Objectives. Target language. Vocabulary.

Introduce the most important adjectives (for beginners) and teach your students how to use them.

Level: Beginner

Warmup: Adjectives

Practice adjectives and some simple discussion questions.


Duration: 10 minutes

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Introduction: Adjectives

Introduction of Beginner Adjectives to students.

Some examples for the teacher to discuss with the students.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Beginner

Variety Games: Adjectives 

A variety of activities / games.

Teacher’s Key included where necessary. 

Student activity. Pair or group work.

Duration: 10-20 minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Fill The Gaps: Adjectives

Student Activity.

Teacher’s Key included.

Duration: 10+ minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

Variety For Teenagers: Adjectives.  

A variety of activities aimed at teenagers / young people.

Teacher’s Key included where necessary. 

Student activity. Individual or pair work.

Duration: 10-20 minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Pronouns: Adjectives

Student Activity.

Teacher’s Key included.

Individual task. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns.

Duration: 10 minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Beginner – Elementary


Ask & Answer: Adjectives

Asking and answering questions.

Student activity. Pair work.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Crossword Puzzle: Adjectives

Students look at some clues and complete the crossword.

Teacher’s Key included.

Duration: 10+ minutes, depending on the ability of your class.

Level: Beginner 

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