To Be

Teacher’s Guide: To Be

Lesson Objectives.

Target language.


Talkmor Suggestions: 

Introduce and extend language for this topic.

Level: Basic

Warmup / Introduction: To Be

Simple questions.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Teacher-student activity.

Duration: 10-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.

Level: Basic

Questionnaire: To Be

Individual participation.

Talkmor Suggestions:

Students circle the correct word and interview a classmate.

Easy interview questions.

Duration: 10+ minutes

Level: Basic

Question Words: To Be

Students practice using the Question Words.

Teacher’s key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual task.

Students look at the question and choose the correct question word to fill the gaps.

Duration: 10 minutes. 

Level: Basic

Fill The Gaps: To Be

Student Activity.

The teacher’s Key is included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Students fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb “to be”.

Students use contractions where possible.

Activity 2 – Put the words in the correct order. 

Duration: 10 minutes depending on student ability.

Level: Basic

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