
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. What do you think of when you plan your weekend? 
  2. How would you describe an ideal weekend? 
  3. Some people start planning their weekend as early as Wednesday. When do you start thinking about your weekend?
  4. Do you prefer a two-day weekend or two separate days off during the week? 
  5. Do you prefer busy weekends or quiet weekends? 
  6. What do you dislike about weekends? 
  7. Have you ever been to a beach party on a weekend?
  8. What does T.G.I.F. mean?
  9. What do you never do on weekends that other people do?
  10. Do you often have a barbecue on a weekend with family or friends?

Student B

  1. What do you like to do on the weekend? 
  2. After a long week of studying or working, do you prefer to avoid people or do you go to the cinema, etc?
  3. What did you do last weekend? 
  4. Do you think a two-day weekend is enough, or should it be three days?
  5. What type of things do you HAVE to do on weekends?

               Study?                          Go shopping? (😂)

               Housework?                 Take care of family members?

  1. What are your plans for this coming weekend?
  2. Do you always get to do everything you wanted to do on the weekend?
  3. Do you usually work on weekends? If yes, how many hours?
  4. Do you like to go camping on a weekend?
  5. How do you feel the evening before your weekend?

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