Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Which season starts with the letter W? What can you tell me about this season? Is it a special season for you?
  2. W for water – how many glasses of water do you drink a day?
  3. How many things in your kitchen start with the letter W?
  4. W for whale – have you ever seen a whale? If yes, where and when?
  5. How many international cities start with the letter W? What do you know about them?
  6. W for waste – what do you waste that you should stop wasting?  
  7. Do you like wheat? Which wheat products do you like the most? 
  8. W for a wedding – do you like weddings? When and where was the last time you attended one?
  9. Do you ever eat a wrap? What are your favorite fillings?
  10. W for wardrobe – do you have a tidy wardrobe? Is it too full or too empty?

Student B

  1. What can you eat that starts with the letter W. Do you often eat it?
  2. W for waiting – what do you hate waiting for? How often does this happen?
  3. How many clothing items can you think of that begin with W? Which is your favorite? How often do you wear it?
  4. W for whistle – can you whistle? When did you learn to do it?
  5. Which weekday starts with the letter W? Do you like this day? Why/why not?
  6. W for wish – if you could make 3 wishes now, what would it be?
  7. How many white items do you have in your kitchen? Which one do you use the most?
  8. W for waffles – do you like eating waffles? What do you have with your waffle?
  9. What will and will you not do next weekend?
  10. W for a worm – have you ever eaten one?

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