
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. What is the best university in your country?
  2. A gap year between school and university is popular in some countries. What is your opinion on this?
  3. Some countries are known for making university education easier so that students can pass easily. Your opinion on this matter.
  4. Is university life more about studying or having fun?
  5. What do you think are the easiest degrees to study at university?
  6. What are the most common problems in a university? 
  7. Which country would be cool to go and do a university degree in?
  8. Do you think some universities are overrated?
  9. Do you think university today is different from 20 years ago?
  10. There is a world shortage of tradesmen (bricklayers, electricians, etc). Do you think universities should offer degrees in such subjects?

Student B

  1. In most developed countries, less than 50% of people go to university. What is the percentage in your country? 
  2. Should students work for a year before starting university?
  3. Do you know of any students who went to university for reasons other than education? (Like sport, for example, to find a spouse, etc)
  4. What is the most ridiculous degree you have heard of?
  5. Would you like to do a degree through distance learning and online courses?
  6. Is it easy to share a room with a few other people?
  7. Which part of university life do you think is the most exciting?
  8. Should university education be free? 
  9. Would you like your children to go to university?
  10. Are universities expensive in your country? Does the education fee prevent many students from going to university?

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