
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Do you have a TV in your house? 
  2. In many houses, the TV is turned on but nobody watches. Does this happen in your house?
  3. What sort of things do you do while the TV is switched on?
  4. What kind of programs do your parents watch on TV?
  5. Do you ever watch any “reality shows”?
  6. Who controls the remote control in your house?
  7. Does violence on TV influence some young people to engage in violent behavior?
  8. What TV commercials do you like? 
  9. When you go food shopping, do you buy foods you’ve seen in TV commercials?
  10. Do you prefer to watch sport by yourself or with some friends?

Student B

  1. What is one of your favorite TV shows? Why do you like it?
  2. What TV show are you currently watching?
  3. Do you watch TV or do you stream on your computer?
  4. What kind of programs are good for children?
  5. What do you do when there is a commercial break on TV?
  6. Do you think there is too much violence on TV?
  7. Some TV commercials are better than the programs. Do you agree with this statement? Give an example.
  8. Do you often watch live sports on TV? What is your favorite sport?
  9. Do you ever binge-watch TV shows?
  10. Could you live without a TV? Why or why not?

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