Discussion Questions
Student A
- Name three things that you think of when you hear the word tea.
- How does a tea leaf get from a tree in a foreign country to your cup at home?
- Do you usually make tea from teabags or brew tea leaves in a teapot or directly in your cup?
- How much caffeine is there in tea? Enough to keep you awake or not?
- Do you know who discovered tea?
- Have you ever tried bubble tea?
- Does green tea stain teeth?
- When drinking a cup of tea, do you hold your pinkie out?
- Does your country have any special or traditional teas?
- Do you know of any countries that have a special tea culture?
Student B
- Do you drink tea? How many cups do you drink per day?
- At what times do you drink your tea?
- How do you take your tea? Black or white? Sugar or no sugar?
- Do you prefer black tea or green tea?
- Do you leave the teabag in your cup when you drink your tea?
- There is a certain way to stir the tea. What do you know about this?
- What do you think are the health benefits of drinking tea?
- Does your country have tea rooms? What do people do there?
- Have you ever been to a tearoom? What else do they sell in the tearooms?
- Which tea do you think has the best aroma?