Discussion Questions
Student A
- What can you eat that starts with the letter S. How often do you eat it?
- S for a sandwich. What is your favorite sandwich? Do you make it yourself or do you buy it?
- Which month starts with the letter S? What can you tell me about this month? Is it a special month for you?
- S for sea – when was the last time you went to the beach?
- What can you ride that starts with the letter S? (S c _ _ t e r) Do you often use one? When and where was the last time you used one?
- S for a season – Which is your favorite season? Why do you like this season so much?
- How many clothing items can you think of that begin with the letter S? Which is your favorite? How often do you wear it?
- S for suitcase – When was the last time you packed your suitcase?
- Which electronic products do you think are special?
- S for stew – When and where was the last time you ate stew?
Student B
- What do you have in your kitchen that begins with the letter S?
- S for soup. What is your favorite soup? When and where was the last time you had it?
- How many international cities start with the letter S? What do you know about these cities?
- S for sugar – do you take sugar in your tea or coffee? What is your favorite sweet treat?
- Which day that starts with the letter S is your favorite? Why?
- S for sports – do you like doing sports? Which sport is your favorite? Do you like to watch it on TV?
- What vehicle (on water) starts with the letter S? Have you ever been on one? When and where was the last time?
- S for sand – When and where was the last time that you walked barefoot in the sand?
- Which products do you think are superior?
- S for snow – When was the last time you played in the snow?