Warmup: Risks
Simple discussion questions.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Teacher-student activity OR pair work if your students have the ability.
Duration: 5-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.
Level: Elementary – Intermediate
On a Scale From 1-5: Risks
Individual opinion-sharing.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Pair work.
Another fun activity.
Duration: 10-15 minutes
Level: Elementary – Intermediate
Double Speaking Activity: Risks
Double speaking activity, all on one worksheet!
The teacher needs to guide students with examples and emphasizes the topic.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Pair work and fluency practice.
Students complete sentences about themselves and start a Mini Conversation with a partner.
Duration: 10-30 minutes, depending on your students’ ability.
Level: Elementary – Intermediate
1-Minute Challenge: Risks
Speaking Activity.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Pair work and fluency practice.
A student challenge to talk about any topic for one minute or more.
Duration: 10-30 minutes, depending on your students’ ability.
Level: Elementary – Intermediate