Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. What do you have in your kitchen that begins with an R?
  2. Most people don’t eat r __ e bread, however, it is healthier than other bread. Do you eat it? If yes, how often, where, and when?
  3. Road. What are the roads like in your city? In good condition, smooth, too narrow, too busy, etc.
  4. Roll. Roll has several meanings. Think of a bread roll. Do you like eating rolls? What do you put on a roll when you eat it?
  5. What is the first thing you see when you open your refrigerator?
  6. Rectangular. How many things can you name that are rectangular in your house?
  7. Recommend. How do you recommend I improve my spoken English?
  8. Remember. What is something that you can never remember?
  9. Receive. If you can write a letter to Santa Claus and ask for a gift, what will it be?
  10. Remote control. Who in your family controls the remote control when you are watching TV?

Student B

  1. What can you eat that starts with an R. How often do you eat it?
  2. In India, millions of people eat r __ ti every day. Have you ever tried it or bought it from an Indian shop?  (It’s truly delicious)
  3. Room. Describe your favorite room in your house or another room that you like very much. 
  4. River. Is there a river near your house, or in your city? Did you play in the river when you were a kid?
  5. What is something that you never have in your refrigerator?
  6. Relationship. Are you in a relationship with anyone? What is your relationship like with your mother, father, and siblings?
  7. Research. Do you like to research anything on the internet? If yes, what and why is this interesting to you?
  8. Remember. What is something that you would like to forget, but always remember?
  9. Recycle. Does your family recycle plastic, glass, cardboard, etc?
  10. Retail. If you could open a retail shop, what would it be and why?

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