Discussion Questions
Student A
- What do you have in your kitchen that begins with an R?
- Most people don’t eat r __ e bread, however, it is healthier than other bread. Do you eat it? If yes, how often, where, and when?
- Road. What are the roads like in your city? In good condition, smooth, too narrow, too busy, etc.
- Roll. Roll has several meanings. Think of a bread roll. Do you like eating rolls? What do you put on a roll when you eat it?
- What is the first thing you see when you open your refrigerator?
- Rectangular. How many things can you name that are rectangular in your house?
- Recommend. How do you recommend I improve my spoken English?
- Remember. What is something that you can never remember?
- Receive. If you can write a letter to Santa Claus and ask for a gift, what will it be?
- Remote control. Who in your family controls the remote control when you are watching TV?
Student B
- What can you eat that starts with an R. How often do you eat it?
- In India, millions of people eat r __ ti every day. Have you ever tried it or bought it from an Indian shop? (It’s truly delicious)
- Room. Describe your favorite room in your house or another room that you like very much.
- River. Is there a river near your house, or in your city? Did you play in the river when you were a kid?
- What is something that you never have in your refrigerator?
- Relationship. Are you in a relationship with anyone? What is your relationship like with your mother, father, and siblings?
- Research. Do you like to research anything on the internet? If yes, what and why is this interesting to you?
- Remember. What is something that you would like to forget, but always remember?
- Recycle. Does your family recycle plastic, glass, cardboard, etc?
- Retail. If you could open a retail shop, what would it be and why?