Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Queue. Where and when do you sometimes stand in a queue?
  2. Q for quick – what do you do as quickly as you can?
  3. Quit. What habit would you like to quit? Why? 
  4. Q for quarrel – when was the last time that you quarreled with a family member or a friend?
  5. Quicksand. What is quicksand?
  6. Q for quality – which country do you think has the best quality of life? Why do you say so?
  7. Question! What questions do you not like to answer?
  8. Question! What question do you want to ask your best friend?
  9. Question! What question would you like to ask an astronaut? 
  10. Question! What question would you like to ask a fortune teller?

Student B

  1. Queue. Which type of queue is the worst to stand in? Why?
  2. Q for quiet – when is it better to just keep quiet and listen?
  3. Quarter. Can you use a quarter in a sentence?
  4. Q for quality – Can you describe the quality of life in your city?
  5. Quirky. Quirky means strange. Whom do you know has a quirky sense of humor?
  6. Q for quiz – what type of quizzes do you like to do?
  7. Question! What questions do you like to answer?
  8. Question! What question do you want to ask your father?
  9. Question! What question would you like to ask your favorite movie star? 
  10. Question! What question do you want to ask the leader of your country?
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