Plastic Surgery

Warmup Discussion: Plastic Surgery

Discussion questions

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Teacher-student activity OR pair work. 

Duration: 10 minutes.

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

Vocabulary: Plastic Surgery

The teacher introduces new vocabulary.

Talkmor Suggestions:

Students to use new vocabulary in sentences.

Pay attention to pronunciation.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Level: Elementary – Intermediate 

Fill the Gaps: Plastic Surgery

Choose a word from the word bank and put it in the correct sentence.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Individual activity.

Duration: 15 minutes.

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

Figure it Out: Plastic Surgery

Student activity

Teacher’s key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Students can use their dictionaries to help find different cosmetic procedures. Use the “W” words to make a sentence with the words.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

Find Them First: Plastic Surgery

Student Activity.

Teacher’s Key included.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Find the words in the grid.

Use the words to start a conversation with your partner. 

Duration: 10-20 minutes.

Level: Elementary – Intermediate

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