
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Do you consider photography to be an interesting hobby? 
  2. Do you think a photography career can make good money?
  3. What kind of full-time photographer would you like to be? A fashion photographer? A sports photographer? Etc.  
  4. How often do you take selfies?
  5. Have you ever entered a photography competition? 
  6. Do you prefer looking at “true life” pictures rather than the ones that went through a “beautification” application? 
  7. Is it okay to post pictures of private property, shops, or people on the internet without their permission?
  8. How happy are you with your ID/passport photo? 
  9. What do you think of paparazzi photographers?
  10. Do you think it’s necessary to buy a digital camera whilst we have such good cameras on our mobile phones?

Student B

  1. Do you consider yourself a good photographer?
  2. Do you know the different pronunciations between photograph, photographer, and photography?  
  3. Do you like taking photographs?
  4. What do you do with all the pictures that you take? 
  5. Do you ever go to photography exhibitions? 
  6. Are you photogenic?
  7. Do you like watching other people posing for selfies or group selfies?
  8. What do you think of models and some stars who get photoshopped to look thinner?
  9. When can taking pictures be an invasion of your privacy?
  10. Where in the world would you like to go and pose for a selfie?

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