
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Do you prefer reading paper books or e-books? 
  2. What are the good and bad things about paper books?
  3. When and where was paper invented? 
  4. Are you, or your company/school good at recycling paper? 
  5. Do schools use less paper if they have online classes? 
  6. How can we cut down on the amount of paper we waste?
  7. Will computers one day mean we have no use for paper?  
  8. What can recovered paper be used for? 
  9. Should we replace paper money? If yes, with what?
  10. Is your desk full of paper?

Student B

  1. Should we use e-books to help save trees? 
  2. When you go shopping, do you ask for paper or plastic bags? 
  3. Do you, or your company/school use or waste too much paper? 
  4. Do the schools in your country have school books or are all the books on a tablet?
  5. Do you have another way of decorating presents, or do you wrap them in wrapping paper? 
  6. Should shops stop using paper bags? 
  7. How is paper recycled? 
  8. Is there anything that we can replace toilet paper with?
  9. Should paper cups, paper plates, and paper towels be banned? 
  10. What surfaces have people in history written on?

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