Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. How many names of animals start with the letter P? Which one do you want as a pet?
  2. P for pie – what and where did you eat your last pie?
  3. Paw-paw. What is a paw-paw? What different things can you do with a paw-paw?
  4. P for piece – what was the best piece of advice anyone has given you? 
  5. Pitch (Field). When and where did you last do anything on a pitch? With whom did you do it?
  6. P for Panda – Which country is famous for its pandas? Do you know what pandas like to eat?
  7. Picked. When was the last time you picked fruit from a tree? 
  8. Pretty! Describe a time that you were pretty hungry.
  9. Pretty! Describe a pretty nice place in your city that tourists should visit. 
  10. Pretty! Describe a pretty good movie you watched recently. 

Student B

  1. How many fruits start with the letter P? Which one is your favorite?
  2. P for pig – would you like to have a small pig as a pet?
  3. Party. When last did you have a party?
  4. P for proud – what are you proud of?
  5. Plane. Where would you fly to if you could climb on a plane now and fly anywhere in the world?
  6. P for Pizza – where, when, and with whom do you like to eat pizza?
  7. Parade. Have you ever watched a parade through the streets of your city? If yes, can you describe it?
  8. Pretty! Describe a city in your country that is really pretty.
  9. Pretty! Describe a pretty awesome day you had at school/work.
  10. Pretty! Describe a pretty bad experience you had.

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