Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. How many fruits start with the letter O?
  2. O for outside – what do you like to do outside your house?
  3. Outfit. Describe your favorite outfit and when you wear it.
  4. O for overcast – Explain the meaning and what you do when it is overcast.
  5. Outgoing. Who is the most outgoing person in your family?
  6. O for oar – have you ever used one? Where and when? 
  7. Out-of-this-world. It means wonderful. What have you experienced that is out-of-this-world?
  8. Once! What have you done once and never again? Why?
  9. Once! What do you want to do only once for the experience? 
  10. Once! Whom would you like to meet and have lunch with at least once in your life?

Student B

  1. How many animals start with the letter O?
  2. O for oven – when was the last time you used an oven and for what?
  3. Oatmeal. Many people have oatmeal for breakfast. What is your favorite breakfast?
  4. O for one-of-a-kind – who do you think is one-of-a-kind? Why do you say so?
  5. Olive. Do you like olives? Where and when do you eat them?
  6. O for office – can you describe your office (or an office) to me?
  7. Overalls. Can you explain who would use this type of clothing? Where would they use it?
  8. Once! What have you eaten once and never again? Why?
  9. Once! What car do you want to drive at least once in your lifetime?
  10. Once! What country and city would you like to visit at least once in your lifetime? Why? 

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