New York City

Discussion Questions

New York

Student A

  1. What do you think of when people mention New York City?
  2. If we watch American movies, what color are the taxis in New York? 
  3. New York has a nickname. Do you know what it is? 

The   B __ g   A p __ __ e

  1. New York has a very famous statue. Do you know the English name for this statue?    Statue of L __ b e r t __
  2. You can hear hundreds of different languages in New York. More than (400, 600, 800) languages are spoken in New York City.    800
  3. More  __ __ i n __ s e  people live in New York City than in any other city outside of Asia.
  4. Most tourists want to visit Niagara Falls. Do you want to see it?
  5. One of the most famous shopping streets is in New York City. Do you know the name of this street?    __ t h  A __ e __ u e

Student B

  1. Have you ever been to New York? If yes, when and why?
  2. Can do describe the picture you see in your mind about New York?
  3. True or false; New York is the biggest city in the USA.    
  4. If you visit New York and you need to take public transport, which public transport do we usually see in the movies besides taxis? 


  1. We often see a very big park in the movies. People often meet in this park, have lunch there, or go for a job. What is the name of this park?    Central Park
  2. What is the name of the café in the sitcom ‘Friends’?    Central Perk
  3. One of the most beautiful parts of New York, and the business district is called  M a __ __ a __ __ an.
  4. More  J e __ i __ h  people live there than in any other city outside of Israel.

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