
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Are you happy to earn a normal to a good salary, or do you want to be super-rich? 
  2. What lessons about money did you learn from your parents? 
  3. How do you prefer to pay when you go out? Cash, credit card, or electronic payment?
  4. Do you ever buy secondhand (used) items? 
  5. What is the average salary in your country? 
  6. Is there something you regret buying?
  7. Would you borrow money from the bank so you can go travel abroad? 
  8. Do you know who and what are on your country’s banknotes?
  9. What do you spend too much money on every month? 
  10. If you win the lottery, how will you spend it?

Student B

  1. Can you remember the first time you received a payment/salary? How did you spend it?
  2. What do you like to spend money on?
  3. What is your next big purchase?
  4. What do you spend too much money on?
  5. Do you tip servers (waiters) in your country? And taxi drivers?
  6. How much allowance should school children in your country get per week?
  7. What color are the different banknotes in your country? 
  8. How much do you spend each month on transportation? 
  9. What is something that you want to buy, but think you will never buy?
  10. When are the biggest shopping days in your country?

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