Like Need & Want

Discussion Questions

Like Need & Want

Student A

  1. What do you like doing on a Saturday morning?
  2. What do you think we should do next weekend?
  3. It is your birthday next week. What do you need?
  4. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
  5. What were you doing yesterday?
  6. What do you think we should do in the summer holiday?
  7. What have you stopped doing recently?
  8. What are some things you enjoy doing every day? 
  9. What do you miss most about your childhood? 
  10. What is something you plan to do soon?

Student B

  1. What do you like doing on a Sunday morning?
  2. What do you think we should do for Anna’s birthday?
  3. What do you need that I can give you as a birthday present?
  4. What do you like to do on a hot summer’s day?
  5. What were you doing last night?
  6. What do you think we should do on Easter weekend?
  7. What is something you started to do, but didn’t finish?
  8. What are some things you enjoy doing after dinner? 
  9. What is something you are thinking of doing next year? 
  10. What is something crazy you would like to try?

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