Discussion Questions
Student A
- What is a public holiday? Do you like public holidays?
- What do you like to do on public holidays?
- Do you like spending a public holiday alone or with family/friends?
- Can you remember your most boring holiday ever? Why was it so boring and where were you?
- What type of holiday do you think is exciting?
- What is the next holiday that you are looking forward to?
- What do you know about foreign holidays?
- What do girls usually do on a public holiday?
- What do boys like to do on a public holiday?
- What do old people like to do on public holidays?
Student B
- What is your favorite public holiday?
- Why is that your favorite holiday?
- When is that holiday celebrated?
- Is gift giving a part of that holiday?
- What other holidays do you celebrate?
- What are your favorite religious holidays? Which religion celebrates it?
- What holiday food do you like?
- Do you prefer summer or winter holidays?
- Would you like to spend a winter holiday skiing in Europe?
- Would you like to spend a summer holiday on a cruise ship?