Happy Birthday (Easy)

Discussion Questions

Happy Birthday (Easy)

Student A

  1. When is your birthday?
  2. Do you like birthday parties? 
  3. What is the best time of year to have a birthday? 
  4. Do you sing the song “Happy Birthday” in your country? 
  5. Do you prefer a birthday cake or lots of candy? 
  6. What is the best kind of birthday cake? 
  7. How old are your mom and dad? 
  8. How do your parents and grandparents usually celebrate their birthdays?  
  9. Do you like going to school/work on your birthday?
  10. What food do you like to eat on your birthday?

Student B

  1. Did you have a birthday party on your last birthday? 
  2. What do you like most about your birthday? 
  3. How old do you want to be? 
  4. Where is the best place to have a birthday party? 
  5. What is the most interesting birthday cake that you have ever seen?
  6. What birthday present would you like for your next birthday? 
  7. Do you know when your mom and dad’s birthdays are? 
  8. Do you go out for dinner when it is someone’s birthday?
  9. How old will you be in ten years? Do you look forward to that age? 
  10. What is the biggest birthday party you have been to?

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