Warmup: Halloween
Simple questions.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity. Pair-work.
Duration: 12-20 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Fill The Gaps: Halloween
Student Activity.
Teacher’s Key included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Individual task. Fill the gaps.
Duration: 10+ minutes depending on the students’ ability.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Teacher’s Key included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Individual task. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns.
Duration: 10 minutes depending on the students’ ability.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
A, AN, SOME, ANY: Halloween
Fill in the blanks with a, an, some, or any.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Individual activity.
Students read the sentences and decide if it should be a, an, some, or any.
Duration: 5-15 minutes.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Comparatives & Superlatives
Individual task. Fill in the gaps with the correct comparative or superlative.
Teacher’s Key included.
Duration: 5-10 minutes depending on the students’ ability.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Grammar Worksheets: Halloween
Student Activity.
Teacher’s Key included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Individual task. Fill in the gaps and write some sentences.
Duration: 15+ minutes depending on the students’ ability.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Story: Halloween
An article that the students need to read and comprehension questions.
Teacher’s Key included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Reading and comprehension exercise.
Duration: 5-10 minutes
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Error Correction
Students underline the error and correct the sentence.
Duration: 10 – 15 minutes
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Multiple Choice: Halloween
Multiple choice.
Teacher’s Key included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Student activity, or a teacher-student activity in a small class.
Duration: 10 min.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
Odd One Out
Students underline the word that doesn’t belong with the rest.
The teacher’s key is included.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
This That These Those: Halloween
Student Activity.
The Teacher’s Key is included.
Talkmor Suggestions:
Individual task. Fill the gaps.
Duration: 5-10 minutes depending on the students’ ability.
Level: Beginner – Elementary
“Wh” Question Words
Students fill the gaps with the Wh question words.
Teacher’s Key included.
Duration: 5-10 minutes.
Level: Beginner – Elementary