
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Are you happy with the government in your country? 
  2. What does the government in your country do every day? 
  3. What do you think of the governments in America and India? 
  4. Do government leaders get paid too much, or too little?
  5. Do you think there is a world government that is not corrupt?
  6. If you could ask your local government to do one important thing, what would it be?
  7. Is your government quick to react in cases of natural disasters?
  8. Do the people in your country have any control over what the government does? 
  9. What would you like to change about your government?
  10. Does your government create enough new jobs?

Student B

  1. Would you like to have a job in the government? 
  2. What does the president/prime minister of your country do every day?
  3. What do you think of the governments in England and China?
  4. What good things has your government done in recent years? 
  5. What would your first step be if you were head of your local government?
  6. Can you use 3 adjectives to describe your government?
  7. Which country has the most corrupt government in your opinion? 
  8. Why is there so much corruption in many governments?
  9. Does your government do enough to uplift the poor? 
  10. Do you think a government can ever make everyone happy?

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