
Games: Can & Could Challenge

Students challenge each other with can and could questions.

Lots of “student-talk-time”.

NB – Make sure you have enough counters and dice.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Pair work or small groups.

Teacher circulates, helps, and guides students and does error correction.

It’s a nice idea to have a small gift for the winner.

Duration: 10-30 minutes. 

Level: High Beginner – Pre-intermediate

Games: Adjectives

Students challenge each other to explain or use the adjectives in a full sentence.

Lots of “student-talk-time”.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Pair work or small groups.

Teacher circulates, helps, and guides students and does error correction.

It’s a nice idea to have a small gift for the winner.

Duration: 10-30 minutes. 

Level: High Beginner – Pre-intermediate

Games: Comparatives

A comparatives challenge. 

Lots of “student-talk-time”.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Pair work or small groups.

Teacher circulates, helps, and guides students and does error correction.

Duration: 5-15 minutes. 

Level: High Beginner – Pre-intermediate

Games: Name It

A vocab challenge. Challenge your students with some easier and more difficult categories.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Use target language, verbs, nouns, adjectives, or any category they should be familiar with.

Group work, pair work, or an individual activity.

Students love the competition, especially as teams.

It’s a nice idea to have a small gift for the winner.

Duration: 20-45 minutes. 

Level: Elementary – Pre-intermediate

Games: Could, should, would review

Students practice answering could, should, and would questions.

Lots of “student-talk-time”.

NB – Make sure you have enough counters and dice.

Talkmor Suggestions: 

Teacher circulates, helps, and guides students and does error correction.

It’s a nice idea to have a small gift for the winner.

Duration: 10-30 minutes. 

Level: Elementary – Pre-intermediate

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