Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Can you name three body parts that start with the letter F?
  2. What is your favorite English word that begins with an F?
  3. How many jobs can you name that start with an F?
  4. Can you think of a famous British dish that starts with an F?  

F __ __ h  and  c __ i __ s

  1. Do you have any family/friends whose names start with an F?
  2. What is the name of a famous social media platform that begins with the letter F?
  3. What is the name of the most popular sitcom ever? 

F __ __ e __ __ s

  1. Japan’s most famous mountain.    Mount F __ j __
  2. A market for buying and selling goods. Four letters.

F __ __ a   Market

  1. A white crumbly Greek cheese, made from sheep’s or goat’s milk. Delicious in a salad.    F __ t a    Cheese

Student B

  1. Can you name one famous country that starts with an F?
  2. Can you name three items in the kitchen that start with an F?
  3. Can you think of a number smaller than 20 that starts with an F?
  4. What can we eat that starts with an F?
  5. Can you name two animals that start with the letter F?
  6. Can you name a popular soda (cold drink) that starts with an F? 

F a __ __ a

  1. A famous red Italian sports car.    F __ __ r __ r __
  2. Another word for the cat family, including lions, leopards, cheats, etc.    F __ l i n e
  3. A beautiful bird with long legs and an S-shaped neck.

F l a __ i __ g o

  1. I you are very cold then we can say you are ____________.

F r __ e z __ n g    Cold

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