Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Do you think people who read have a bigger general knowledge?
  2. Did you ever struggle to read when you were a child or did it happen easily?
  3. What do you like to read?
  4. Do you only read in your native language or in other languages too?
  5. Do you read/what do you read before you fall asleep?
  6. What genre is your favorite?
  7. Do you like to read magazines? Online or the hard copy?
  8. Tell me about the best book that you have ever read.
  9. Do you think reading is good for our development? How?
  10. What childhood story did you enjoy the most?

Student B

  1. Did your parents ever read to you before you went to sleep?
  2. What kind of stories did they read to you?
  3. Do you read when you’re on social media or do you chat or play?
  4. Do you wish you had more time to read?
  5. Do you buy books online or do you go to a bookshop and buy the hard copy?
  6. Do you have a favorite place in the house where you read?
  7. How many books do you read in a year?
  8. What is your favorite reading stuff? Magazines, novels, biographies?
  9. Whose biography or autobiography have you read/would you like to read?
  10. If you were to be a full-time writer, what would you like to write about?

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