Student A
- What are the two most important numbers in the world?
- What is an unlisted phone number?
- How long is the longest river in your country?
- What is the first thing you think of when you think of eight?
- Can you easily remember license plate numbers?
- Would you like a job in which you had to work with numbers?
- What is the meaning of ’24/7’?
- What is the meaning of ‘PIN’ number’?
- If you had a few extra hours a day, what would you do with them?
- How much time do you/would you like to spend on the internet?
Student B
- What is your favorite number? Why is it your favorite number?
- What numbers do you not like?
- Are you a number?
- Do you ever call for food delivery?
- Have you ever dialed the wrong number?
- What is your favorite time of the day?
- How many phone calls do you usually make in one day?
- Do you know the meaning of ‘A baker’s dozen’?
- About how many text messages do you send in a day?
- What is your favorite time of the day to study English?