
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. What are some different kinds of disasters? 
  2. What are examples of manmade disasters? 
  3. What are the worst natural disasters you can remember? 
  4. Do you think natural disasters are happening more frequently in the world today? 
  5. How would you prepare if you knew a dangerous storm was coming? 
  6. Have you ever been in a hailstorm? 
  7. What disasters do you think there will be more of in the future? 
  8. How do you think you would react in a disaster? 
  9. How can you help after a natural disaster? 
  10. If you could volunteer to help after a natural disaster, what could you do?

Student B

  1. What kinds of disasters are common in your country? 
  2. Do you know anyone who has been in a natural disaster? 
  3. Are there often natural disasters in your country? 
  4. What’s the worst natural disaster in your opinion? 
  5. Have you ever been afraid during a storm? 
  6. Which do you think is more dangerous, a flood or a drought? 
  7. Do you think animals know when a natural disaster is coming?  
  8. If the end of the world was coming, what would you do in your last week?
  9. Do you know someone who has done any volunteer work after a disaster? 
  10. Are there any places you wouldn’t want to live because of natural disasters?

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