Discussion Questions
Student A
- How interested are you in politics?
- Would you like to be a diplomat?
- Do you think countries still need embassies?
- What purpose do they serve?
- If you were a diplomat, which country would you like to work in?
- What do you think is the most important political issue at the moment?
- What do you think of the “politically correct” issue?
- Are you always “politically correct?”
- How many current world leaders can you name?
- 10.Which countries do you think are difficult to rule?
Student B
- On a scale from 1 to 5, how diplomatic are you?
- Name a few positive qualities of a world leader.
- Why are so few women in politics?
- Do you think people might pay more attention to female politicians than male ones?
- Do you think people’s political views change over their lifetime?
- Why do you think the media pays a lot of attention to politicians’ personal lives?
- In your opinion, how much should governments contribute to university education?
- What can governments do about poverty?
- What motivates a person to want to become a world leader?
- 10.Would you like to be the leader of your country?