
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Do you have a computer at work and home? 
  2. Can your mother and father use a computer?
  3. Do your parents work on the computer or do they just surf the internet?
  4. Do you know how to type well or do you only use 2 fingers?
  5. Do you use your computer when you do homework for school?
  6. Do you think it’s better to have a laptop or a desktop computer? 
  7. Do you read online magazines? Which magazines do you read?
  8. What software do you use the most often?
  9. Do you use your computer to study English?
  10. What is the best way to use your computer for English studies?

Student B

  1. What Internet sites do you visit regularly? 
  2. What is your favorite “news” site? 
  3. Do you play games on your computer or your mobile phone? 
  4. Are you good at using a computer?
  5. Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? OR do you have both? 
  6. Did you learn to use a computer in school or did your friends teach you?
  7. What browser do you use? Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc? 
  8. Do you have a Facebook account? If yes, do you have many friends on Facebook? 
  9. How many hours a day do you spend online? 
  10. Have you ever taken a course at school where you used a computer? If yes, did you enjoy the course?

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