Comparatives & Superlatives

Teacher’s Guide: Comparatives & Superlatives

Lesson Objectives. Target language. Vocabulary.

Introduce and extend language for this topic.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Warmup / Introduction: Comparatives & Superlatives

Simple questions.

Elicit and model answers.

Teacher-student activity.

Duration: 10-15 minutes, depending on the size and ability of your class.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Missing Words & Ask and Answer: Comparatives & Superlatives

  1. Students fill in the missing words.

2.   Speaking and fluency practice. Easy discussions.

Students see who can complete the list first. 

Duration: 10-30 minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Complete the Chart: Comparatives & Superlatives

Students complete the list with comparative and superlative adjectives.

Duration: 12+ minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Fill The Gaps: Comparatives & Superlatives

Student Activity.

Teacher’s Key included.

Individual task. Fill the gaps.

Duration: 10+ minutes depending on the students’ ability.

Level: Beginner – Elementary



Simple interview (discussion) questions.

This can either be homework or an in-class activity.

Lots of “student-talk-time”.

If your classroom environment allows it; students can move around the classroom and interview various classmates.


Complete the Chart

Students complete the list with comparative and superlative adjectives.

Duration: 12+ minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Mixed Sentences: Comparatives & Superlatives

Students put the words in the correct order.

The teacher’s key is included.

Duration: 10+ minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary


Ask & Answer

Asking and answering questions.

Pair work.

Duration: 10+ minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Fill The Gaps: Comparatives & Superlatives

Student Activity.

Teacher’s Key included.

Duration: 10+ minutes depending on student ability.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Interview: Comparatives & Superlatives 

Simple interview (discussion) questions.

Lots of “student-talk-time”.

If your classroom environment allows it; students can move around the classroom and interviews various classmates.

Duration: 10+ minutes.

Level: Beginner – Elementary

Practice: Comparatives & Superlatives

Students practice the target language.

Teacher’s Key included.

Duration: 15+ minutes. 

Level: Beginner – Elementary

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