
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. How do you commute to school or work?
  2. Is the above your preferred way of commuting? If not, how would you like to commute?
  3. Do you have any friends or co-workers who cycle to school/work?
  4. Is public transport the preferred way to commute to work, or do most people use their cars?
  5. Have you ever been on a subway during rush hour? Describe the experience.
  6. Do you prefer to commute by bus or subway? Why?
  7. Do you eat on public transport? Why or why not?
  8. Would you like to live in a nearby country and fly to your country of employment on a Monday morning and back home again on a Thursday evening?
  9. Would you like to study/work from home (online) just to avoid the daily commute?
  10. What is the strangest way some people commute to school/work?

Student B

  1. How long is your morning commute?
  2. What do you do whilst commuting? Sleep? Read? Study English?
  3. Have you ever walked to school/work? If yes, how many kilometers?
  4. How much does your commute cost per week?
  5. If you travel by bus, where do you like to sit? 
  6. Would you prefer to live in the countryside if you can have a short commute to school/work by high-speed rail?
  7. Some countries have subway carriages just for female passengers. What do you think of this concept?
  8. Do you think there should be carriages just for male passengers as well?
  9. Do you think it’s cool to commute to school/work by ferry? If yes, what happens when there is a storm?
  10. What do other commuters do that you do NOT like?

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