Children Talk (Easy)

Discussion Questions

Children Talk

Student A

  1. Do you like being a child?  
  2. Do you have brothers or sisters?
  3. What’s your favorite game to play?
  4. What do you and your friends like to do? 
  5. What is your favorite room in the house?
  6. Do you want to be an adult?
  7. Do you think you would be a good parent? 
  8. Do you get along well with your parents? 
  9. What’s the most irritating thing about parents? 
  10. Should children be paid for household chores?

Student B

  1. Do you like school? 
  2. Would you like to have (more) brothers and sisters?
  3. What’s your favorite breakfast cereal? 
  4. Is there anything “nice” that you would like to do for a friend? 
  5. What is your favorite sweet food?
  6. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
  7. What do you find boring about adults?   
  8. Do you like other children’s parents?
  9. What do you like to do with your family?
  10. What do you like to watch on TV?

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