Discussion Questions
Can & Could
Student A
- What can you cook?
- Could you jump from a plane?
- How far can you run without stopping?
- Could you tie your shoelaces before you started school?
- Can you draw your teacher?
- Could you climb trees when you were a kid?
- How well can you swim?
- If you could speak two other languages, what would they be?
- Can you play a musical instrument?
- Do you think you could do all your classmates’ homework for them?
Student B
- Can you stay in bed all day?
- Could you speak any English two years ago?
- Can you ride a bicycle?
- Could you read and write before you started school?
- Can you fall asleep in the living room?
- What do you need that could make your life better?
- Where can you go shopping to get a bargain?
- If you could be anyone in the world, whom would you be?
- Can you see anything interesting from your bedroom window?
- Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world?