Discussion Questions
Borrow & Lend
Student A
- Do you often borrow things from a friend or a colleague?
- What do people sometimes borrow from you?
- Has someone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it?
- What is okay and what is not okay to borrow from a sibling?
- If you borrow money from someone, do you give it back with interest?
- Is it okay to borrow money from family or friends?
- Is there anything that you would like to borrow from your teacher?
- Is it okay to borrow clothes from your siblings or other people?
- Do your mother and father sometimes borrow something from you?
- Is there any item that you would like to borrow for one week? (i.e a car, a spaceship, a nice house, etc)
Student B
- What is something that you don’t have and sometimes borrow from someone else?
- Do you mind lending something to another person?
- Have you ever borrowed something from someone and forgotten to give it back?
- What is okay and what is not okay to borrow from a friend?
- Would you lend money to a family member or a friend to start a business?
- What is something that you would never lend to another person?
- Is there something that you would like to borrow from your father, but he wouldn’t give it to you?
- Is it okay to borrow tools from a neighbor if you need to fix something in your house?
- Do your neighbors sometimes come and borrow something from your family?
- Is there anything that you would like to borrow from a famous person?