Discussion Questions
Student A
- At what age did you get your first bicycle?
- Do you think it’s a good idea for primary schools to teach kids how to cycle?
- Did you, or do you, cycle to school/work?
- Have you ever cycled on a tandem?
- What is the longest distance you have cycled?
- Is it easy to cycle in your city? Are there many hills or are the roads flat?
- Have you ever been caught cycling in the rain? Were you soaked?
- Will more people start cycling to work if they could pay less tax than car drivers?
- Have you ever injured yourself falling off a bicycle? What happened?
- Do you watch BMX competitions?
Student B
- At what age should children learn to cycle?
- Should cities have two cycling lanes; one for people who are in a hurry and one for families on an outing?
- Is your country a bicycle-friendly country?
- What are the advantages of a bicycle over a car?
- Did you have a tricycle as a kid?
- Do you know why a bicycle is called a bicycle and a tricycle?
- Do you wear a helmet when you cycle? Do you wear any other protective gear?
- Does the weather permit you to cycle all year round?
- How can your government encourage more people to take up cycling?
- Would you cycle to school/work if you had secure, undercover parking for your bicycle?