Discussion Questions
Student A
- How much do you know about Australia?
- Can you name 5 famous things about Australia?
- What is the nickname for a person from Australia?
A _ ss _ _ or O _ zie
- What is the weather like in Australia this time of the year?
- Australia is famous for having the world’s largest coral reef system. It is called the Great B _ rr _ _ r R _ _ _.
- What do you know about volunteer work in Australia?
- Who is Australia’s prime minister?
- Australia has many dingos & kangaroos. How would you describe a dingo?
- Which cute, native Australian animal can also be eaten?
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- On which side of the road do Australians drive?
Student B
- What is the national animal of Australia?
- Is Australia high on your bucket list?
- Why do people refer to Australia as the Land Down Under?
- What is the name of Australia’s capital city?
- What exports are Australia known for?
- Australia has a very famous rock that looks like a mountain. How much do you know about it?
- Watersport is big in Australia. Can you name 5 water sports?
- There are 5 countries larger than Australia – name three of them.
- Which Australian instrument is thought to be the world’s oldest musical instrument? (Research answer and pronunciation)
- Which Australian animal has been seen punching people?