Discussion Questions

Student A

  1. What is your favorite English word that begins with an A?
  2. Can you name one fruit that begins with an A?
  3. After class/school, what do you usually do?
  4. Which country that begins with an A is your favorite?
  5. After your week is over by Friday afternoon, what do you usually do?
  6. Can you name a month that starts with an A?
  7. After your favorite sports team lost a match, what do you do?
  8. Do you know a car that starts with the letter A?
  9. How many jobs can you name that begin with the letter A?
  10. We can drink a drink that begins with A if we celebrate something.   A l __ o __ o l

Student B

  1. Do you have any family or friends whose name starts with an A?
  2. After dinner, what do you usually do?
  3. Can you name an ocean that starts with an A?   A __ l a n _ i c
  4. After you go to bed at night, what do you usually do?
  5. What is the capital city of The Netherlands? Have you been there? Do you want to go there?       A __ s __ e r __ a m
  6. When you start eating lunch or dinner, what do you eat first?
  7. What is the name of the famous mountain range in Europe that starts with an A?
  8. How many vegetables can you name that begin with an A?
  9. What type of accommodation begins with an A? Have you ever stayed in one?   __ __ r   B&B
  10. Name this very popular English song:  

A __ a z __ n g    G __ a __ e

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