Discussion Questions
Student A
- When you greet someone, how do you usually do it?
- Do you introduce yourself with a firm or gentle handshake?
- Do you think it’s a good/nice idea for a man to kiss a woman’s hand?
- Which of these polite questions do you prefer?
How are you?
How are you doing?
How have you been?
How’s it going?
- Is it easier for you to greet men or women?
- How do you greet your partner, kids, parents, etc.?
Student B
- How do people in your country usually greet each other?
- How long should a handshake last? Do you pull your hand away quickly?
- Do you often greet people in English?
- Which of these phrases do you often use?
Nice to see you.
Long time no see.
What have you been up to?
- Is it common in your country to shake hands, hug or kiss on the cheeks, etc? Which one do you prefer?
- Which ways of greeting don’t you like?