
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. Do you/did you like going to school? Why or why not? 
  2. Which countries do you think have the best schools and universities?  
  3. Which subjects do you think are going to be useful for your future? 
  4. What subjects were you good at? What subjects were you bad at? 
  5. Do you/did you study a foreign language in school? 
  6. Do you/did you live in a dormitory whilst you went to college/school? 
  7. Do you think you had a good education? 
  8. What are the three most important school subjects? 
  9. Should children learn practical skills like cooking or woodwork at school? 
  10. Some people like to learn on their own. Have you learned anything without teachers or formal education?

Student B

  1. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
  2. What did you not like about your school? 
  3. Which subjects should be taught at school, but aren’t?
  4. Do you enjoy learning new things? If yes, can you give an example? 
  5. Should foreign languages be taught at school?
  6. What do you like or dislike about your homework tasks? 
  7. Do you know anyone who does not know how to read or write? 
  8. What do you think of online classes? 
  9. Are you/were you a good student at school? 
  10. Who has influenced you a lot in life? 

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