Discussion Questions
Student A
- How many fruits start with the letter O?
- O for outside – what do you like to do outside your house?
- Outfit. Describe your favorite outfit and when you wear it.
- O for overcast – Explain the meaning and what you do when it is overcast.
- Outgoing. Who is the most outgoing person in your family?
- O for oar – have you ever used one? Where and when?
- Out-of-this-world. It means wonderful. What have you experienced that is out-of-this-world?
- Once! What have you done once and never again? Why?
- Once! What do you want to do only once for the experience?
- Once! Whom would you like to meet and have lunch with at least once in your life?
Student B
- How many animals start with the letter O?
- O for oven – when was the last time you used an oven and for what?
- Oatmeal. Many people have oatmeal for breakfast. What is your favorite breakfast?
- O for one-of-a-kind – who do you think is one-of-a-kind? Why do you say so?
- Olive. Do you like olives? Where and when do you eat them?
- O for office – can you describe your office (or an office) to me?
- Overalls. Can you explain who would use this type of clothing? Where would they use it?
- Once! What have you eaten once and never again? Why?
- Once! What car do you want to drive at least once in your lifetime?
- Once! What country and city would you like to visit at least once in your lifetime? Why?