Discussion Questions
Student A
- When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
- What do you think children daydream about?
- Do you think that today’s children are different from when you were a child?
- If children were given money to donate to charity, which type of organization do you think they will choose?
- What was your favorite game when you were a child?
- Who is your child, little brother/sister/niece/nephew’s hero?
- Who raised you? Your parents, grandparents, or another family member?
- What makes your child, little brother/sister/niece/nephew laugh the most?
- What were your favorite games as a child?
- Should children be paid for household chores?
Student B
- Do you enjoy being around children?
- What do you think children look forward to when they wake up?
- What are the positive or negative things about being a child?
- What does your child, little brother/sister/niece/nephew know that they can teach others?
- Is childhood the best time of life?
- If your child, little brother/sister/niece/nephew could live anywhere, where would it be?
- Do you get along well with your parents?
- As a child, would you rather ride a bicycle or ride a horse?
- Does your child or little brother/sister wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?
- Who was your best childhood friend?