
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. What comes to mind when someone mentions the word “art”? 
  2. Do you think it is a good idea that children study art at school?
  3. Do you have any art in your room?
  4. Do you like to draw or paint? 
  5. Do you know any art galleries? Are there any in your city?
  6. Do you/did you enjoy your art class at school? 
  7. Do you think of cartoons and comics as art? 
  8. Do you think some creations these days are not really art? 
  9. Do you consider graffiti art? 
  10. Do you like to doodle? What kinds of doodles do you draw?

Student B

  1. Do you like art? 
  2. How many pieces of art are there in your house?
  3. Are you artistic?
  4. Can you draw pictures well? 
  5. Do you like modern art? 
  6. Do you like to visit museums when you go to other cities? 
  7. What kind of art do you like – paintings, sculptures, ceramics, etc? 
  8. Do you think movies are a form of art? 
  9. Do you consider photography an art form? 
  10. Do you enjoy taking photographs?

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