
Discussion Questions


Student A

  1. How do you keep up with world events? Do you read online newspapers?
  2. Do you think there is more good news or more bad news in the newspapers?
  3. Do you prefer to watch, listen to, or read about the news?
  4. How much do you trust the information you get from the news? 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% or less than 25%?
  5. Do you think it’s important to read newspapers and know what is going on in the world? Why or why not?
  6. What is the biggest news story in England at the moment?
  7. What is in the news headlines in your country this week?
  8. What do people NOT need to know?
  9. What is the biggest news story in China at the moment?
  10. What was the last piece of good news you’ve heard?

Student B

  1. Will newspapers disappear in the future?
  2. How often do you get news updates?
  3. How does news in other countries differ from your country’s news?
  4. What is your favorite news section? Politics, economy, sport, etc.
  5. What is the biggest news story in the USA at the moment? 
  6. What areas of the world are you most interested in? 
  7. What recent events are you tired of hearing about? 
  8. Which person in the news do you most like hearing or reading about?
  9. What is the biggest news story in India at the moment? 
  10. Would you like to work as a news reporter?

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